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Action & Adventure: This collection is a thrilling journey through the world of action and adventure movies, featuring designs inspired by some of the most beloved heroes of all time. This collection is a tribute to the legends of the big screen, and a celebration of the excitement and fun of cinema.
Classic: Inspired by the glamour and elegance of the golden age of cinema, this collection pays homage to some of the most iconic movie characters of all time. This collection is a tribute to the legends of the silver screen, and a celebration of the timeless appeal of cinema.
Sci-fi & Fantasy: This collection is a dazzling journey through the world of science fiction and fantasy movies, featuring designs inspired by some of the most memorable and imaginative characters of all time. This collection is a celebration of the wonder and fun of cinema.
Thriller: This collection is a gripping journey through the world of thriller movies, featuring designs inspired by some of the most cunning and captivating characters of all time. This collection is a tribute to the thriller icons of the big screen, and a celebration of the suspense and excitement of cinema

If you’re interested in learning more, email Alyssa Mallow, at amallow@bcrc.org

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